
Oaklands School pre-registration inspection report - Ofsted 4 July 2023
We were visited by Ofsted inspectors from the 4th to 6th June 2024. The school received the top grading of “outstanding” for pupil personal development and a “Good” grading across all other areas of the school that includes the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes and leadership and management.
The report stated: “Oaklands is a school where pupils thrive. Staff have high expectations for pupils’ achievement. In a short space of time, pupils make exceptional and rapid progress in all areas of their personal development. This includes in working together, listening, communicating and managing emotions. The personal development offer is exceptional. Pupils make strong progress towards achieving their individual targets which are set out in their education, health and care (EHC) plans.”
Pupils told inspectors that life at Oaklands is different and they now love this school. One said, “The teachers are so nice, they do not shout or get mad, and they listen and help you” Another said, “My teacher is the best I have ever had.”
Parents and carers that responded to the Ofsted Parent View survey were equally very happy with the school. One parent said, “This school has changed our lives”
‘Pupils make friends and feel safe and included. The highly nurturing environment means that pupils want to come to school. As a result, their attendance is good."
The report concluded: “Pupils’ attitudes to learning are improving all the time. The school uses the “Oaklands Way” to make the school values of respect, honesty, kindness, commitment and creativity clear.
Oaklands School inspection report - Ofsted 4-6 June 2024
You can also view our inspection report on the Ofsted website.
Ofsted Parent View
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of us, including:
how happy your child is here
how we manage bullying or challenging behaviour
how well we support your child
To complete the questionnaire please click on the logo below.
You can complete questionnaire at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.